You see, the leaf doesn't change colors in the fall. It reveals it's true colors as the green nutrients are depleted from it when the amount of sunlight decreases. The nutrients are sucked by the branch that it is sitting on so that the tree can withstand the upcoming winter. And to the watching eye, this is when the leaf is most radiant. And, I would argue, so are we.
The difference is that God, because He wants our hearts, gave us free will. Instead of sucking the green (ironic color?) out of us to allow us to become our true selves (which is often what I wish He would do), He wants us to choose to pour ourselves out for Him in the lives of those around us. Thomas Merton explains what happens when we allow the hand of God to do His work:
"... he who I am not is visibly destroyed by the hand of God in order that the simplicity in the depths of me, which is His image, may be set free to serve Him in peace."This reminded me of Mother Teresa, who gave her life to serve the poor and destitute around the individual, regarding selfless, charitable work. She allowed the hand of God to destroy who she was not - basically her own will - to serve the God she saw in the marginalized around the world. It was her soul that became radiant. Just like the leaves, letting go of that which covers us, allows us to pour into the work of the One who gives us life, and in turn, we become stunning to the watching eye.
world, then was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She became one of the most referred to individuals, if not THE most referred to
The process of surrendering our own will to God's gives us peace, and baffles those around us who want to merely please themselves. Just like the wonder of the color of the leaves in the fall, this peace lures others in to see where it is coming from. All it takes is one. One person to love and serve others so much because they realize how much God gave for them and they just can't hold onto their life anymore. When we are not focused on ourselves, but instead, have eyes that are fixed on the One who gave us life, we become our True Selves. Eventually, it just may draw others to do the same and start a ripple effect:"God's peace is a peace of conquest, won by surrender." - Jan Johnson
And "as they decompose, their nutrients trickle into the soil and feed future generations of plant and animal life. Quite likely, fallen leaves are a key factor in the survival not only of trees, but of forests as a whole." - Roger Di Silvestro
I think this song says just what the leaves and Mother Teresa are singing:
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